Les Mémoires
Bailey |
Life update ❤️ |
April 21, 2024 |
Hi grandma. I can't believe it's been 16 years since you have been gone. So much has changed and happend since then. Where to start..I still have my CNA license, I now am a phlebotomist as well. I work part time with mom and dad, and part time as a Phelbotomist. I got married to the man of my dreams, I think you would love him. I wish you could've been at my wedding. Man was that a crazy day! I am a momma now Grammy ❤️ you have a great grandson named Remington John Baker. He is the most handsome baby
Bailey |
Life update ❤️ |
April 21, 2024 |
Hi grandma. I can't believe it's been 16 years since you have been gone. So much has changed and happend since then. Where to start..I still have my CNA license, I now am a phlebotomist as well. I work part time with mom and dad, and part time as a Phelbotomist. I got married to the man of my dreams, I think you would love him. I wish you could've been at my wedding. Man was that a crazy day! I am a momma now Grammy ❤️ you have a great grandson named Remington John Baker. He is the most handsome baby
Carrie |
Wish you were here |
April 23, 2021 |
I cannot believe you have been gone 13 years. A lifetime. You have 3 little granddaughters you never got to know, and a great grand daughter that you would have so much fun with. Stella and Adleigh both share your middle name, and they both remind me of you. Amber and Juniper are so much like Morgan it is not even funny. You would be so proud of everyone and how they have all grown up. We try to keep your memory alive, and the kids all know that when there is a spectacular sunset it is you painting the sky. We have hawks and eagles that let us know when you are watching over us. Sometimes you come into my dreams, so i know you are near, but not as much as i wihs you did. And now Dad is somewhere up there with you. We have had a few times with a family of eagles following us, to the house and over our pastures and i think maybe you are together? Losing you was the most devastating moment of my life, and it changed us all. Now that Dad is also gone some days are much harder. I so wish i could just talk to you one more time, to hear your words of wisdom.
Bailey |
I know you are always here❤ |
January 10, 2020 |
Grammy I know you are always here. I hope you would be proud of me. In all that I have overcome and still deal with. I am a CNA now, I take care of my residents and truly love them. Some of them make me think of you and great grandma ❤. I think of you quite often when I'm at work, wondering what you would think of me and my path of life. I think you would be proud of me. But I know you are watching over me, I see hawks all the time. I love you grammy, I wish I could hug you today. ❤
Carrie |
10 years without you |
April 21, 2018 |
I do not often let my guard down anymore, let the tears flow, or allow myself the time to grieve all the missed memories. But today, 10 years after you left us, I have. I cry for all the moments you have missed with your children, your grandchildren - 2 of whom you never got to meet. I grieve for all of the milestones you have missed being a part of, weddings, births, graduations, family bbq's, trips, sleepovers and holidays. I grieve for my children, my nieces and nephews who didnt get to make those memories with you. I cry because I miss you, but also because of all that you have missed. You have 2 beautiful granddaughters who will never know you except from our stories of you. You have a great granddaughter who Carrie's your name that you will never know. Life goes on, and we have all made our on way in this world. But it is a little bittersweet sometimes, without you. 10 years is a lifetime.
So many memories - When you gave rescue breaths to a porr little duckling that was drowning, people showing up on our doorstep with all sorts of stray animals because you just seemed to be the person they should bring them to. Puppet shows when I was little. Plays when I was bigger. Making paper machete pinatas for christmas. Camping, fishing, singing and dancing in the living room. Sharing them with my kiddos and the other little ones so that they have a chance to remember you. Garet still tells me all the time that he remembers things about you, even though he was so small when you left. I hope that he always remembers those precious memories.
Some days I am fine without you here. Life must go on for enveryone, and I know that is what you would want. We have all grown and changed and blossomed in the last 3 years so much. But some days something will trigger a memory, and it is those days that I miss you so much more. I spent hours looking through pictures today for Gramma's 90th birthday, and almost all of the ones I looked through had you in them. Camping, mothers day in the mountains, pictures of you with all of the little kids. The first picture with you and me and Bri when she was so tiny, and I was a young mother - scared, but at least I had you there to guide me if I needed it. Now I don't have anyone else to lean on for that wisdom that only a mother can give. Everyone who might have been able to at least try to fill in that gap has their own families and children and grand children to take up their time, and I wouldn't feel right to burden them with my problems too.
You were an amazing woman momma, and no one else could ever take your place. And so I am left witha hole in my heart, no way to fill it. I see my own daughters growing and changing and beginning to push away as they become more independent, and I know the heart break you went through. My girls are good girls though, and not like I was, so they are doing ok. You would be so very proud of them - I am. I love you so very much, and miss you so much I could cry for another 3 weeks like I did when you left, but that won't bring you back. SO I will cry my tears as they come, and let my darling kiddos cry their tears too, and move forward as we should.
my grandma was sweet. And i still remeber when she was here on halloween. she went around with us trick or treating. i always remeber the good old times. when we got scared she would tell us it was ok. so now when i get scared i remember her telling us that it will be ok. we all wish she was still here but at least now she is not hurting. just remember that she is right beside you all the time when ever you need her just think about her and all the good old memories.i will always love forever together i promise!!!
There are so many times that I still pick up the phone to call you..... and then I remember that I can't. There have been so many special moments in the last 2 years that I wanted to share with you..... but I couldn't see you. And then there were so many other times I looked up - we ALL do - and saw the hawks above us, and knew that you were there, and watching us, and we all smile. Sometimes with tear-filled eyes, but we know that you are still a part of everything we are, everything we do. You may not have held Stella, but I see you in her eyes. You may not get to watch all of our children open their birthday presents, or listen to them tell you stories, but I hear you in their voices. You may not be here to hold us when we cry, or smile a knowing, motherly smile when we need encouragement, but we can still hear your voice in our ears just the same.
You were my mother, my confidante, and my best friend. I can only say that I miss you, that I love you, that I cannot believe you have been gone for 2 years. I can only say that my kiddos still cry for you, that my husband still misses your long talks, that my siblings all miss you as much as I do. I can only say that I know you would be proud of us all, because I know you. And I can say that as the years pass by, we are able to continue on with our lives, as you would have wanted, but that not having you here to share it with feels like a piece of the puzzle is always missing. I love you momma< forever and always:)
Well Momma, Aiden would have been 3 today. I call it his Angel Day, and as I told him, it makes me feel a little better thinking that the two of you might be somewhere together, getting to do all of those little things that Grammy's do! I love you!
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