Linda floyd - Online Memorial Website

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Linda floyd
Born in Colorado
59 years
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My Grammy was so special. She let me eat the ice out of her cups, and gave me the best hugs! I really miss her. I found a penny on thr ground once and mommy said it must have come from my grammy. Now I find all kinds of pennies on the ground and I know that they are from Grammy. She was a good Grammy!
Brianna Lynn

I rember when she would always give me hugs and butterfly kisses. And now knowing that she is gone and her body isn't here she comes to me in my dreams. she passed the art, horse, and animal lovingness to me and i thank her very much for that. I want to let her know that we are ok and we miss her.


My mother was an amazing woman. There are not enough words to give her justice to anyone who did not know her, but to say that she was amazing & inspiring would be a small beginning. She was so many things. Until she passed away, we only really knew her as our mother, our friend, our confidant, occasionally our partner in crime! But we began to realize that she was so much more than what she had been to us. She had 28 years of adventures before becoming a mother, and she had many great stories to tell of skydiving, riding motorcycles cross-country, and being a free-spirit. She loved life, and all of the adventures that went with it.


She was an amazing artist, an inspiration to her children and grandchildren alike. She instilled in all of us that creativity is boundaried only by our own imaginations, and fostered the idea that we were all special in our own ways. She loved each of us for our strengths, our weaknesses, and everything in between. She was all that was special and good about those she loved, and reminded us often to see the best in ourselves. She raised four children, mostly alone, and became mother and freind to more than one of her children's spouses. She instilled a deep love of family into her children and grandchildren that will not be broken in her absence.


Our hearts are aching and sad that she is no longer with us. Some days putting one foot in front of the other is all we can manage without her here. But she raised us to be survivors, and to get on with our living, knowing she would be proud of us for doing so. With heavy hearts we forge ahead, knowing she will be watching us as we go, and that although her body has gone, the presence of her spirit, and the love she had for us all,  will go on forever.


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